Talent recruitment

In Festac, we are very different

"Congratulations on opening the door of opportunity"

ProjectDevelop clear career plans for employees and realize their dreams.
FosterProvide customized vocational training courses to continuously improve the comprehensive abilities of employees.
AuthorizeProvide challenging work and give employees the freedom to fully display their talents.
ValueValue creation oriented, allowing employees to work hard while receiving rich feedback.

Company Environment

Festac Talent Concept

Possessing unlimited possibilities, self growth, sustainable development, respecting employees' individual efforts and personality (humanity), and actively creating an atmosphere that allows them to fully develop.
Festac attaches importance to and supports employees as self-disciplined individuals.

Capability Search for the best talent worldwide, regardless of race, nationality, or gender. Hire creative and personalized talents.

Performance Provide more topics and educational training opportunities for outstanding talents through fair and objective evaluation, and cultivate them to become core talents.

Compensation Regardless of race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, region, or group affiliation, the highest treatment is given to outstanding talents.

Witness every moment of Festac

"The stars and the sea are waiting for you to explore"

What is the experience of working in Festac?

Work together to achieve company goals; Bring into play their own advantages and make common progress. The Festac family is looking forward to your joining!

Recruitment Entrance


Participate in investment promotion

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+86 137-6159-1642



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